- 防诈骗小课堂(十五)-Don't become the next victim 2024-10-31
- 防诈骗小课堂(十四)- Be careful of scams from so-called senior students 2024-10-30
- 防诈骗小课堂(十三)-Beware of Online Shopping 2024-10-17
- 防诈骗小课堂(十二)-Beware of ticket refund, change, and cancellation scams 2024-10-14
- 防诈骗小课堂(十一)-Regarding the fraudulent tactics in the admission category 2024-09-27
- 防诈骗小课堂(十)-留学生“‘易’起科普 防范反诈”优秀创意作品展示 2024-04-09
- 防诈骗小课堂(九)- Don't underestimate the power of three minutes! 2024-04-08
- 防诈骗小课堂(八)- Real case! 2024-04-07
- 防诈骗小课堂(七)- Beware of celebrity's fans scams! 2024-04-01
- 防诈骗小课堂(六)-Guard against job interview scam! 2024-03-26
- 防诈骗小课堂(五)-Guard yourself against lottery scam! 2024-03-22
- 防诈骗小课堂(四)-Stay alert against brushing order scams! 2024-03-21
- 防诈骗小课堂(三)-Beware the QR code trap! 2024-03-18
- 防诈骗小课堂(二)Refusing non-performing online loans 2024-03-13
- 防诈骗小课堂(一)Quick Guide to Preventing Telecommunication Fraud (1) 2024-03-12
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